Former MR. BUNGLE Member Sought As 'A Person Of Interest' In Disappearance Of His Girlfriend

December 18, 2023

A former member of MR. BUNGLE has been named "a person of interest" in the disappearance of his girlfriend.

The El Cerrito Police Department has announced that it is investigating the disappearance of Alice "Alyx" Kamakaokalani Herrmann, 61, of Capitola, California. She was last seen in Santa Cruz, California on December 3, 2023. Alice's relatives reported her missing on December 12, 2023, after not hearing from her for over a week. El Cerrito investigators located her vehicle in front of the home of her boyfriend, Theobald "Theo" Brooks Lengyel, 54, in El Cerrito, California. Based on his actions, Lengyel is a person of interest in Hermann's disappearance and has not cooperated with the police investigation. Lengyel also goes by the name "Mylo Stone." In the days following her disappearance, Lengyel is known to have travelled by vehicle from El Cerrito to Portland, Oregon.

Investigators are looking for information about the actions of both Lengyel and Herrmann from December 3, 2023, to present. Anyone with information about either of these people are encouraged to contact the El Cerrito Police Department tip lines at (510) 215-4435 or

Herrmann is a 61-year-old Pacific Islander woman, 5'04" tall, weighing 135 pounds, with hazel eyes and brown hair.

Lengyel is a 54-year-old white man, 5"10", 170 pounds, with brown eyes and brown hair.

El Cerrito police investigators are collaborating with detectives from the Capitola and Portland police departments to locate information and evidence relating to Alice's disappearance.

Investigators are asking area residents who spend time in regional parks and open spaces to be on the lookout for anything suspicious that might lead to Alice's whereabouts.

According to SFGate, Lengyel was a founding member of MR. BUNGLE and spent nearly 10 years with the band, playing saxophone, clarinet and keyboards. He appeared on the MR. BUNGLE demo "The Raging Wrath Of The Easter Bunny", as well as the band's first two major label albums, "Mr. Bungle" (1991) and "Disco Volante" (1995),

In a 2005 question-and-answer session, MR. BUNGLE bassist Trevor Dunn said Lengyel exited the group on bad terms.

"We unanimously decided to go on without him because he wasn't growing with the rest of the band and we were running out of things for him to do," Trevor said. "He got pissed off and I haven't heard from him since."

Photos courtesy of El Cerrito Police Department

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